My Spaces
There was a time when my sister and I  were sharing our bedroom. 
Mum organised it so that we each could claim only our own half of the room...
Any trespasses needed to be taken, after some sort of  pleading and cajoling smiles, into agreeable consent from the other. These needed to be secured, assurances were made that in fact our infringements were truly friendly and well intended! 
Our affection being extended to the other, and in peace we came to share our toys and games...books & papers... our dresses & skirts... 
And then came the time we needed to respect the privacy of each...
Total support was given with little more...
 as we knew our lives gradually were taking their separate paths... Our future was to be different and life needed to take its course...
We both cherish our childhood memories & the lovely parents we will always miss...
Still enjoying the joys of each other's company whenever we get together!
We still share few things...
The heartwarming love of our kids and beautiful daughters & nieces... Lovely sisters in turn!
And the journey continues...for now:) 
A Happy Moment between Ruby & Iman!:)

Happiness is a running stream, 

You will never be able to catch, 
But if you bath in its cool midst,
You will be able to feel its ecstatic touch...

Life has its ups & downs,
But if you take a moment in time,
Enjoy who you are , 
The people around, Our loved ones,
The Beauty of the Land & the sweet life running within... 

Love & Blessings!:)
Rome Water Fountains:)
Not sure what i would like to write today...I've been working on my dissertation's final draft & I need to finish it by next week!!
I like this new personal blog...I think it will take quite a bit of blogging before it starts having a bit of my character...
Will need to finish a bit more of my research work now!
Will write more next time!

       What's in the Name?! 

    My name is Wassila but I like to keep it simple! 
    With Love


    July 2013

